RE: Touble Starting

From: Bernd D. Ratsch (
Date: Fri Nov 19 1999 - 22:21:10 EST


Go out and buy yourself a can of STP Throttle Body Cleaner and a small can
of compressed air...and follow some easy steps to clean out your IAS Motor.
(Back of the Throttle Body)

(1) Remove the AirHat
(2) Remove the connector to the IAS Motor (Back of the Throttle Body -
Silver/Black Tube)
(3) Remove the screws holding the IAS Motor to the Throttle Body
(4) Gently pull the IAS Motor out of the Throttle Body and place it
somewhere safe for now.
(5) Place a rag under the opening to prevent the cleaner from dripping all
over the engine (a little bit is fine)
(7) Spray some of the STP TB Cleaner into the hole in the back and let it
soak for about 10 minutes
(8) Spray some of the STP TB Cleaner in the IAS Plunger to clean off any of
the carbon "gunk". You can use a soft brush to help...not plastic though
(no toothbrushes). Make sure you don't turn the plunger or try to pull/push
it in or out.
(9) Use a Q-Tip to remove any of the excess gunk from the IAS Motor opening
you just let soak for about 10 minutes. (Spray it out again just to make
sure it's clean.
(10) Use the compressed air to blow out any excess derbis and cleaner from
the IAS opening. (Don't stick your nose in there while you're doing
this...and wear some safety glasses.)
(11) Replace the IAS Motor, tighten the screws (not too tight), and
reconnect the wire harness to the IAS Motor.
(12) Replace the airhat

Start the engine, let it idle for just a little bit, run it at 150o (or so)
for a few seconds, then back down to idle.

If you want, you can also reset the computer. Not really required
though...just an added measure.

This is something I do on a regular basis (every 7500 miles - tuneup time).



-----Original Message-----
Subject: DML: Touble Starting

I have recently started having trouble starting my Dakota. It only happens
when my truck has been sitting for a while not running. My current mods are
R&D throttle body, 180 stat, Gibson cat-back, and a homemade intake (3 inch
pipe and 9" cone). When I start my truck, it cranks but immediately dies.
It will do this several times until it finally smoothes out and runs normal.
  I can start it and give it gas and it runs fine as long as I don't let it
idle. It is a 99 cc 318 auto. Any help would be appreciated.

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