Re: discrimination against low trucks?!!! (looonnnggg)

Date: Tue Nov 23 1999 - 13:14:17 EST

In a message dated 11/22/1999 9:32:30 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< Oh, took them 7 days because we get about 1.5 hours in shop each day and
 rolling out the tools, putting it back, getting into cover alls and
 everything just consumed time everyday.. a better break down of the job
 would be (about 7 hours really, some days we didn't get ANY shop time at all
 and you can't count weekends)
 -Dester >>

Oh so a buddy did the job or something then? I thought you took it to a
regular shop and it took them 7 days. I was gonna say. Even them the job
shouldnt take more than a few hours.\

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