Re: RT: 1 Ferarri F355 : 0

From: Frank Johnson (
Date: Wed Dec 22 1999 - 14:30:31 EST

The driver obviously didn't have a clue what the car's abilities are. If
you took the on ramp at 90, i'm sure the 355 would have made it no problem
at like 120-130. It's always the people that have no business in a car that
outstanding that can afford it.
Cool story though.

Frank WJ

>From: Sam Parthemer <>
>Hey, on the way to work this morning (late as usual!),
>I noticed a
>guy driving a black convertible with daylight running
>lights on, and
>wearing a xmas stocking on his head. He was
>approaching at a high rate
>of speed (I was stuck behind some slug), and then
>dropped in behind me.
>It was a brand new F355 convertible.
>Lucky for me, the slug merged to the left (why, I
>don't know), which
>opened up the road for me. I came up to the next fwy
>on ramp, and the
>F355 was right on my butt (90 something), and when I
>hit the 55 mph
>on ramp, the F355 slowed... I didn't... The truck
>railed right around, and
>onto the next fwy... After that it was all brains not
>brawn getting
>to the fastlane for me (the F355 made some pretty poor
>lane choices), but
>once again caught up to me in about 5 minutes. I hit
>more traffic
>that I had to negotiate around (why can't people
>understand "Slower Traffic Keep Right"??) and pulled
>about 1/2 mile ahead of the F355 before he started to
>make a charge up on me (ever go 90+ and see someone
>approach from behind 50 mph faster than you!?!?! <--
>besides the cops :) Right when he was about to reach
>terminal velocity, I noticed a CHP evil knivel
>finishing up a ticket on the fastlane shoulder. I
>gave the brake a quick "tap-taptap-tap,
>tap-taptap-tap" to let the F355 know to watchout, and
>we both passed the CHP (as he was starting out) at no
>more than 68 mph (65 is the limit)... He waved as I
>got off the fwy shortly there after, with his xmas
>stocking flapping in the wind...
>So I really didn't really beat him, only pulled away
>in the corners... So I could say I 'out handled' him.
>:P Fun nevertheless.
>Sam '00 RT
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