On Tue, 7 Dec 1999, Scott Miller wrote:
> Jon, you say about the 727 tranny, why not the 904, that's what I got built
> for my truck and it's holdin' up excellent. I had good clutches and a Turbo
> Action manual valve body put in. I got an awesome second gear, better than
> any shift kit I felt, and I'm definetely in control as to when the truck
> shifts. I've also seen guys with small blocks switch from 727 to a 904 and
> pick up about .3 in the 1/4. I also think the 904 can be built to handle
> what you throw at it. I've seen them make many 10 sec. passes.
I was leaning toward the 727 because I have heard its stronger. I
plan to make 600-800hp eventually, and my truck is 4200lbs, so I want
a tranny that will hold together. If the 904 can be built to take
that abuse in a cost effective manner and go faster, then I'd probably
lean toward it... What do you think caused the .3 sec drop for those
guys? Can't just be the lighter weight...
.--- jon@dakota-truck.net -- or -- stei0302@cs.fredonia.edu ------------.
| Jon Steiger * AOPA, DoD, EAA, MP Race Team, NMA, SPA, USUA * RP-SEL |
| '92 Ram 150 4x4 V8, '96 Dakota V8, '96 Intruder 1400, '96 FireFly 447 |
`---------------------------- http://www.cs.fredonia.edu/~stei0302/ ---'
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