Re: Twin Turbo Smog Issues

From: frank golembieski (
Date: Sun Apr 16 2000 - 21:50:42 EDT

i don't see how it wouldn't be leagel you would be
useing the same amount of fuel just a lot more air so
the emmission would be lower right ... more air to
dilute the mixture going to the sniffer ?
94 sport

--- wrote:
> Hehe. I live in Kansas, no smog tests for me! bring
> on the turbos...
> -Dester
> <<
> I originally tried to get some interest in the twin
> turbo's back at the end of last year. I receved a
> few
> replies, but nowhere near enough. I have spoken to
> shops in town and they have no problem with doing a
> twin turbo setup, its just it won't be CARB legal.
> It
> takes a LOT of money and testing to get the kit
> legal. For those seriously interested in a twin
> turbo
> CARB legal kit, you may want to go to the bigger
> companies like HKS and GREDDY, who may have the $$
> allocated for R&D. However, you will most likely be
> denied due to the fact that there is no demand or
> market for the kit, especially for the v6's.
> >>

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