Excessive oil from breather..

From: TEDSDAKOTA@aol.com
Date: Sun Jun 11 2000 - 10:48:18 EDT

    This is hard to explain, but when I installed the SC'er, I had to
relocate the breather hose that goes to the back of the air hat. PowerDyne
has you put it into the plate the K&N filter is mounted to in the fender
well. Well I saw a oil puddle on my floor and further checking found its
leaking from the breather hose.My inner fender well is covered with oil...How
much oil fumes comes out of these breathers normally..
How else could I route this hose.I already have one going to the
Manifold,can't put both there because under boost the pcv valves would be
closed and pressure would build up in the crankcase...KaBoom...

                    Thanks, Ted O.

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