Last count there was at least 2 or 3 people with DML stickers... if they
have depleted their stocks, maybe they could share out the image files used
to create them so we can stick with 1 unofficial "official" DML decal?
I think a uniform DML decal would be ideal, so people would start to
recognize it "the DML" as a national club... it'd be pretty cool if some NC
hillbilly went across the big river and saw a DML sticker he was accustomed
to seeing around his neck of the woods and be like whoaaaaaaaa it's
anothern of dems DML fellas...
just food for thought...
Jon Smith--Raleigh, NC
> > >Hey all, just wondered how many people are interested in a DML sticker
> > >for their Dakota? I am checking with a couple print shops around my
> > >area and I would like to know about how many I will need to have made.
> > >Thanks and please just email me off list so I can keep track of it.
> > >
> > >James
> > >'99 Dak 4x4 cc V8 Sport+
> > >
> > >
> > >--
> > >"If all else fails, pretend you don't know what's going on."
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