Re: Quad Cab Questions, 5 speed tranny fluid?

From: David A (
Date: Sun Nov 26 2000 - 18:26:19 EST

Why in the world,would anyone want a 5-spd,much less a manual tranny?
I dont even know how to drive one (Thank God)

As far as tranny fluid goes,a couple of months ago,i wanted to go with Mobil
synthetic ATF.I called Mobil.the lady i talked to asked me,"if your owners
manual says 7176 ATF +3,DONT USE OUR SYNTHETIC!"

I had mine changed at 16,000 miles,and am going to do so EVERY 15,000-16,000
miles...and at the next change,i will have the filter changed too.I know
others who own trucks(FORD,GM,DODGE)and they change there tranny fluid the
same as me.

When i see someone bitch,"i have 89,000 miles on my tranny,i have never
changed the fluid,and it's slipping",it just makes me want to

You want to take care of your trucks,fine...
But dont whine & moan when it doesnt work right,because YOU were the one to
neglect maintenance..

(stepping off my soap box,now..we return you to regular programming)

>From: "jay & dana" <jay&>
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: DML: Quad Cab Questions, 5 speed tranny fluid?
>Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 13:53:44 -0800
>Hi Will,
>I have a 97, 5 speed, 4x4 and mine feels the same way warm and cold. Does
>anyone think changing the fluid to either the stock Mopar or maybe a
>synthetic fluid would remedy this?
>Matt Barrett and Chris Lambert have already had their
> >5-spds go out and mine feels like it may be next! I have 8,000 miles on
> >truck and the transmission is great when the truck is still "cold",but
> >it warms up, it gets very notchy and harder to get in and out of gear.If
> >had to choose again, it would be auto! HTH,
> >
> >Will Coughlin
> >'00,2wd,4.7L/hd5-spd/3.92sg(9.25")
> >1ST place Dakota-truck at 11th annual Houston Mopar show and
> >DML meet!!
> >
> >----Original Message Follows----
> >From: "WPG" <>
> >Reply-To:
> >To: <>
> >Subject: DML: Quad Cab Questions
> >Date: Sat, 25 Nov 2000 20:45:15 -0600
> >
> >Okay Guys and Gals time to ask for your help again. I have a buyer for my
> >R/T. Now I have to find a truck to buy. If any of you know where there
> >any 2000 V8 QC sport models please email me the dealer name and I'll have
> >local dealer try to trade them out of one. Next question this is more of
> >opinion pole but if you were purchasing a new truck and had the choice
> >you go automatic or manual transmission? Assume we are talking 4.7 litre.
> >Any other helpful advice you can provide would be appreciated.
> >
> >Thanks ahead of time...
> >
> >Paul
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >___________________________________________________________________________
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