failing transmission

From: Geoff (
Date: Tue Apr 24 2001 - 23:02:15 EDT

Hey everybody,
    I have a 95 Dakota with the 3.9L and sport package (whatever that gets
me.) I feel that my transmission is on it's last leg. When I hit the gas
the engine reves like all hell but the transmission says, "NO!" Sometimes
it won't go into drive so the engine will rev but the truck doesn't move
then it slams into gear and spins the tires. Other times I'll hit the gas
and it'll go right away. I've tried a bottle of TransMedic as recomended by
a friend and that helped alot but it's still not good enough.

How do I find out which automatic transmission I have, I've heard there's
two. Would it be better to have the tranny rebuilt or just put a new one
in. If I get a new one, I'd like to go with something that'll give me some
better acceleration. I've already done some performance work but I'd still
like to go farther. Would it be possible to put the 5 speed manual in
without modifying the engine in any way? If I go with another auto, what
kind should I get?

Any info is greatly appreciated.

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