You need to "backprobe" them. Someone (Shane Mosely I think?) figured
out he could slip some very, very fine stainless steeel wire in
alongside the wires to make contact, then clipped his multimeter to
Geoff wrote:
> Hi, I'm trying to diagnose poor gas milage on my 95 dak 3.9 and I found
> these instructions on the Mitchell Repair Info. DVD at school:
> it says where the MAP sensor is... I check the voltage from the center
> termainal with the ignition switch on I should get 4.0-5.0 volts with the
> engine runing it should be 1.5-2.1 volts. The test must be performed with
> the connector in place. How can I test the voltage of the center terminal
> if there is no way to get the dvom probes into the wire?
> Thanks,
> Geoff
-- -andy --- ------------------------------------------------------------- modesty, n.: Being comfortable that others will discover your greatness -------------------------------------------------------------
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