I'm not saying that it's not a good core: I'm just saying that it's not the
ONLY core out there. Basically, I'm curious about just how far a 318 can be
taken. I'm just contacting you guys to see if anyone has thought about/ tried
this before. I'm currently running a 318 in my '93 4x4 that has been built up
for a supercharger. I still have the original 318 (with a mild cam and Crane
roller rockers) in storage. The supercharger (Paxton- #%@&*%$- you know what
I mean?) has proven to be less than reliable. I'm not completely satisfied
the power I get from the blower when it works, either. I was not aware that a
360 computer could operate on a 318 harness when I undertook this mod. If I
had known this, I would have built a 360 instead, but hindsight is 20/20.
Meanwhile ,I have a perfectly useable 318 to play with, and I see no reason
to waste it. True, a 408 would create more torque, but a 390 would probably
give me all the torque I'm looking for and probably use a bit less fuel. So,
returning to my question, is it feasible to install a Hughes Engines 4"
stroke 340 crank into a 318? Are there any fundamental mechanical
incompatibilities that would render this concept impractical/ unworkable?
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