Yes, its time again for your weekly DML BBQ reminder! :-) Its
only a week and three days away!!!
I took the Ram down to the mud pit to see how that was progressing,
and I think its going to be a lot of fun. :-) The pit is about 50'
wide and 100' long, and there are a couple of "whoop-de-whoops" at
the end for those of you insane enough to want to try to launch yourself
into the mud, or just to build up a good head of steam. :-) At the
moment, its about a foot of mud covered by about 3 feet of water (think
4x4 Magazine's "Top Truck Challenge"). :-) We all know our trucks
will go through water though, there's no sense getting our carpets
all wet, so I plan to pump out most of it; I will probably leave less
than a foot of water on top of the mud; just enough to keep the mud
from turning into dirt. :-) I immagine we'll need to run a few trucks
through it in order to get it really churned up and muddy. I put the
front end of the Ram in the pit and it was nice and gooey. I figured
maybe I should put the light end in with the winch facing out, so I
backed about halfway in, with the front tires still on dry land, in 2wd.
The rears spun real nice. :-) I did finally get out in 2wd; this is
going to be fun!
I plan to bury a couple of anchors at the end of the pit that we can
use as winch points.
Lots of folks signed up so far, if you can make it, you'd be more than
welcome, wether your truck spins all 4 or just 2! We'll be doing this
rain or shine. And, on the off chance that someone wants to fly in with
their light plane, there's a ~1600' grass strip on the property, or I'm
about 10 minutes away from Dunkirk Airport.
URL to event profile:
If you're planning on attending and you haven't let me know already,
please drop me an e-mail, just so I can figure out about how much food
to buy. :-) Thanks!
.---- Jon Steiger ------- or -----. | Affiliations: AOPA, DoD, EAA, NMA, NRA, SPA, USUA; Rec & UL Pilot - SEL | | '92 Ram 150 4x4 V8, '96 Dakota V8, '96 Intruder 1400, '96 FireFly 447 | `------------------------------------------ ----'
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