Since I don't want the stock Dodge T-stat in my 97, 318 and Jet and RS are
not available where I live (BC, Canada, small town :) I was wondering which
one of the below Stants would be suitable for my application (light
modifications) the Superstat, Regular, or Econostat? Could anyone please
explain the differences between these three. Thanks to Tony for this post.
>This is a response to an e-mail I sent to Stant.
>>The 5.9 liter engine actually calls for a 195 degree thermostat, however,
>we do make that thermostat in a 160 and 180 temperature as well. The
>numbers in 160 >are 45356 Superstat, 13356 Regular, or 13006 Econostat.
>the 180 degree stats are 45358 Superstat, 13358 Regular, or 13008
>If you have >any further questions about these, feel free to contact me.
>>Sandy May
>>Stant Mfg.
>>1620 Columbia Ave.
>>Connersville, IN 47331
>>800-822-3121, ext. 234
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