Re: Animal cruelty

From: Jack 3 (
Date: Sun Jan 06 2002 - 16:56:09 EST

On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 09:24:06 -0600
 "mrdancer" <> wrote:
> ""Jack 3"" <> wrote in message
> > Screw it......Squirrels is good eatin' !
> Yeah, but you can only fry the young ones (the ones that
> still have hairy
> balls). If they don't have any hair on their balls, you
> have to put 'em in
> a stew or in the crock pot.
> --

Yeah, I find a crockpot the most convenient with squirrel.
Just set it on 'simmer', then go run some errands while it

Jack 3

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