Re: Re: Gas Mileage -V6 - 22mpg

From: mrdancer (
Date: Mon Mar 25 2002 - 22:23:59 EST

""JP"" <> wrote in message
> I drive 25 miles one way to work only hit one stop light the hole time and
> am getting 16mpg. I have a K&N and Gibson S/R exhaust and it doesn't have
> seemed to changed from the stock mpg. Maybe my foot is heavier than
> everybodys'

It makes a difference, also, if you live in a cooler climate (or at least
where the mornings are chilly). When the engine first starts in the
morning, the computer is running it in rich mode (like a choked carb) to
warm the engine faster and prevent stalling. Keeping this in mind, if you
make several trips during the day, each time starting a cold engine, your
MPG could potentially go way down. Also, winter gasoline is different from
summer gasoline (and CA gasoline is (or used to be) different from gasoline
in the other 49 states), although I don't know what the effects on MPG

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