On Mon, 08 Jul 2002 07:43:34 -0400, john@bigfrontyard.com ("John
Henton") wrote:
> How easy is it to steal a Dakota? When the truck was taken, there was
>no glass on the ground where I had parked it, I figured maybe it was a
>professional job... but the items left in the truck suggest that it was
>just some joyriders.. the steering column wasn't cracked open.. the
>ignition was fine... maybe they had some dealer keys or something?
I don't think a Dak is any easier to steal than any other vehicle and
Daks don't generally show up on the "most frequently stolen" lists.
There is no such thing as "dealer keys". The reality is that there are
a limited number of key combinations that are used, far fewer than the
number of vehicles on the road. The keys to your truck probably fit
hundreds if not thousands of other Daks all across the country. If you
had the nerve to walk around trying your key in other Daks you would
probably open one before long. Sounds like that's what somebody did
with yours.
Mike Crumley
97 V6 Dallas Cowboys Silver
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority,
it's time to pause and reflect." --Mark Twain
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