Show-n-Shine Summer Slam Nationals

From: Wisotzkey, Rich (
Date: Mon Aug 12 2002 - 08:56:18 EDT

Went down to Staunton, VA this past weekend for the show. This is the third
of four shows on their East Coast tour for the year. They had a pretty big
turnout. If you want to see a lot of hydraulics, and check out some
heavy-duty stereo equipment, you'll love one of these shows. (You do have
to stomach a lot of rice though.) The last show is being held August 24-25
in Myrtle Beach, SC. Some of our deep-southern folk might want to take it

Thanks to Mike Brown for turning me on to the Show-n-Shine shows. This was
the first one I was finally able to attend.
Rich - Ashburn, VA
PS. By the way, I took 2nd in the Dakota class.

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