RE: Re: Was New Guy, Now FIPK

From: Mallett, Donald B (
Date: Sun Aug 18 2002 - 05:31:34 EDT

Ok, Bottom line is free flowing cold air to the TB ;-) yea by mounting a
cone filter on the end of a pipe helps big time over the stock in take. The
next concern is blocking out the heat from the incoming air. This seams to
be the biggest challenge for all of us. One method is to remove the rubber
flap from the front left side of the radiator. I feel this is not 100% the
way to go, This flap is there to direct air into the radiator by helping to
maintain lower pressure behind the radiator, in turn causing more air to
flow thur and cool the radiator. (I think that made sense). Also the flap
helps to protect the A/C lines. Yea I did cut the flap on my Dak, But I have
a air dam behind the opening that I tried to make air tight from the engine
and radiator heated air. I have even insulated the pipe from the cone filter
to the rubber 90deg bend before the TB. (rubber 90deg bend so to be replaced
with insulated pipe soon). May want to think about putting a screen in front
of the flap opening to keep out bugs and stuff. About two years ago someone
posted links to some well written info about the air flow with the radiator
and use of air dams. For the life of me I can't find those links any where.
Bernd any help with this would be helpful :-) I remember reading them here
at work. Going with a 4'' pipe instead of the 3" has a draw back also, With
a 4" pipe the air is moving slower in the pipe allowing more time to absorb
heat from the pipe. Keeping the 3" pipe smooth and free flowing should
provide plenty of air to the TB. Air from the fender is definitely cooler
then from in the engine compartment. On a Gen. III, with the 4.7L the PCM
and the computer for the 45FRE is in the front corner right where most of us
have the cone filter, Keeping these two big $$$ items cool never hurts
either. In one of the dark back corners of my mind I'm toying with a with to
fully enclose the cone filter and run a pipe out the fender or some where
for cold air. Don't get me started about finding cold air here in TX ;-p ) I
have photos of most of my work on my web site. Sorry to say but I don't have
the newest air dam for the cone filter, but there almost the same set up as
the ones shown.

My fingers hurt after all this rambling, later folks. Oh yea before I
forget, Welcome to the DML Jim.

Don Mallett
Y2K QC 4.7L Auto SLT+
*-----------------Oh Lord, Won't you buy me a Dakota?----------------*



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