"Jon" <jonsdak@midmaine.com> wrote:
: The latch does move freely, but I believe that the lot my truck sat in
: before it was auctioned was near the ocean, because my engine has a ton of
: that thin white salty coating stuff on it, (a precursor to corrosion?), and
: the hood latch is no exception. I'm thinking it'd be a good idea to replace
: the hood latch too, even though it doesn't appear to be bent or rusted? By
: all accounts, it should have caught before the hood flew up like that.
When I put my fiberglass hood on, I took the latch apart to paint it.
It comes apart fairly easy, you might want to pull it apart to clean it,
maybe hit it with some spray paint, and definitely lube it up.
.---- Jon Steiger ------ jon@dakota-truck.net or jon@jonsteiger.com -----. | I'm the: AOPA, DoD, EAA, NMA, NRA, SPA, USUA. Rec & UL Pilot - SEL | | '70 Barracuda, '92 Ram 4x4, '96 Dakota, '96 Intruder 1400, '96 FireFly | `----------------------------------------- http://www.jonsteiger.com ----'
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