Re[2]: Floor Jack Question

From: Michael Clark (
Date: Wed Jan 22 2003 - 22:04:35 EST

I can never bring myself to trust jacks or stands.
When I'm under mine i share the load between the
stands AND the jack. What I do is jack it up then
lower it down onto the stands but I put back some
pressure (maybe one or two pumps) on the jack. I
figure if either one gives out the other will still
hold. I strongly advise anyone NOT to work under any
vehicle with just a jack holding it.

> Ken, I do my own oil changes, tire rotation, and engine repairs where it is
> possible using my floor jack/floor stands. Being under a 5500 lb vehicle
> from a Ram to the little 1700 lb Suzuki can be quite intimidating not
> knowing if something could go wrong with a floor jack or jack stand.

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