Re: Re: Way OT: Shuttle Columbia breaks up on re-entry

From: Josh Battles (
Date: Tue Feb 04 2003 - 13:32:50 EST

""Jason Bleazard"" <> wrote in message
> From: "Josh Battles" <>
> > I think they should name it something lucky or something really cool.
> Let's
> > email NASA and see if they'll open up a forum for name suggestions and
> > everyone to be able vote on it.
> I seem to remember that they did something similar to come up with the
> Endeavour. Of course, there were a bunch of rules. I think it had to be
> named after a real ship of exploration, as is the case with all shuttles.
> (Of course, you can debate about whether the Enterprise is a "real" ship
> exploration, a fictional star ship, or an aircraft carrier, but it's a
> point anyway.)

I think shenanigans would be a cool space shuttle name.

2000 Dakota CC 3.9L

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