'92 Dak V8 auto with wierd electrical stuff

From: Dan Kramarsky (dkramarsky68@yahoo.com)
Date: Wed Mar 12 2003 - 00:21:48 EST

maybe a few can shed some light on these problems....

1.) the air conditioner blower is out. I cant tell how
to test to see if the motor is bad. and where do you get a replacement?

2.) The fuel gauge gives erradic reading. i mean the needle dances
    all around. it wont sit still. it goes to F then E then F again.
     all other gauges are fine.

3.) the headlights have turned to a hazy white instead of clear. is there
     a way to fix this? where do you get new ones?

'92 Dak 4x2 Club Cab Auto 5.2L

Dan Kramarsky
RF Engineer
SpeedBand, Inc.
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