Sounds That are good, bad, and ugly

From: Terrible Tom (
Date: Mon Mar 22 2004 - 16:50:55 EST

The Good

The Bad

The Ugly

The Good: - 16 seconds of the ram starting up and at idle mmmm yeah
thats my baby

The Bad: A nails-on-chalkboard sound that has developed somewhere from
my drivers side front wheel area. Balljoints?? Tierods?? The LAST
friggin thing I want to do is have to start replacing suspension parts
on a truck I've only made 6 payments on so far. Whatever it is - its a
metal-on-metal grind. I greased the only zerks I could find. Are there
any needle grease fittings?? I looked for them but didn't see anything
that looked like a grease fitting (minus the zerks)

I got the suspension off the ground (jacked the truck up at the front
axle and stuck it on jackstands) - and it did NOt make the noise. The
suspension was still under load from the truck - but the wheels were
not making contact with anything. Stealer repalced the ball joints
under warranty at about 30,900 miles - only have 37,500 on now in the 6
months since.

The Ugly: The sound of my drivers side window ratteling and making a
horrible racket as I roll it down. It rattles in the door back and
forth until its halfway down - then its smooth. I took it into the
dealer twice for this under warranty - it was doing this since I bought
it. They said they couldn't find anything wrong. They cleaned it and
lubed it both times and both times it came back shortly after. I called
and they said now that I am out of 3/36 warranty - theres nothing they
can do. F*#@ing Bastards! I'm going to have to yank the panel off
myself and see what I can find.

"Why don't you ask me what it feels like to be a freak?"

Terrible Tom -- AIM & Yahoo Name: SilverEightynine

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