Jeff Durling wrote:
> Hehe, yup!! read a big series of articles that were being wrote in
> several different places (editorials in car mags (several), one or tow
> of the big mags such as newsweek or time, and quite a few online
> sources) Anyway, they all were coming to the same conclusion. It is just
> a smoke and mirror type ploy. The fuel cell is cleaner burning which in
> turn make the consumer happy to have a clean burning car but on the back
> end it uses basically the same amount of oil to produce (some figured it
> was more) due to the much higher need for electricity and the process
> itself lends itself to high fossil fuel consumption. They may find ways
> to circumvent that in the long run but any business is going to
> aggressively try to protect their interests (in this case oil companies)
> so that will not be a primary focus i think. Of course coal comes into
> play more here also since it can be used for this type of process but in
> the end all the pollutants just come out of a factory than a car. Nice
> idea but the back end logistics need to be legitimately brought forth
> and looked into solving.
I had honestly not given any though to that aspect of fuel cell cars.
Yes I can see where that would totally defeat the intentions and reasons
behind using fuel cell cars. As a diet and health speaker once said
when asked about eating butter vs margarine, to save on calories he
replied "don't eat this grease, eat that grease."
> Jeff Durling
> BTW, DC announced a few months ago that the hybrid durango was dead, not
> due to it being possible to build, but they felt there was a lack of
> interest.
This I am not surprised to hear. Disappointed but not surprised. My
lack of interest in a durango hybrid stems from the fact the new
DurVANgo is farkin UGLY. Gimme a hybrid Ram 2500 contractors special -
and I'll stand in line for one.
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