SAS update

From: Michael Maskalans (
Date: Fri Jul 30 2004 - 17:02:12 EDT

I was going to go on one final parts run before leaving, but screw it.
I'm tired of driving to Fredonia - I've been doing it twice and three
times a day for the last week....

I was going to put my front axle together, but the seals are wrong by
about 3/16" in diameter. not sure how I missed that, but I need to
trade them in for a second time/ third try.

I got the trans mount welded to the crossmember just now. I need to
figure out a spacer for the inside supports for bolt clearances and due
to the tight fit and odd angle of the inner frame there. If I go on
that parts run, I'll want to finish up those inner supports, and
that'll take a while.

hopefully by the time I'm done writing this the support will have
cooled enough that I won't think I'll melt the rubber trans mount -
it's no longer over sizzling temp, so it should be close.

when next I come down, I need some flat stock to make mounts with, and
some toob to make links with, and some final plasma cut brackets for
the axle end of things. I'm ignoring springs for the moment, and I'm
ignoring brake and vent tube plumbing until after that.

that's all for now.....

Mike Maskalans            <>
'84 RamCharger Daily Driver       '98 Dakota under the knife
mobile.612.618.4652    home.585.935.7129    fax.360.364.3930

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