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On 12/14/2004 12:14 PM, Bill Pitz wrote:
| And I can't even recall how many
| times I've had to clean up the mess that an MCSE/A+/etc. certified
| person has made.
When our Windows servers were being run by a couple MCSEs (no longer
with the company), our environment was a complete mess. Their method of
"distributing" patches to the various boxes was to use a floppy and go
server to server. They knew it was inefficient, but it was the only
thing they could think of, it kept their jobs secure (or so they
believed), and they never even considered that there might be better
ways. If you had a question about a box, you might or might not get an
answer. If a box wasn't working right, they may or may not be able to
fix it.
One of these MCSEs kept his ID & password (which had domain admin
rights) taped under his keyboard. And *everyone* knew it was there.
The guys keeping those systems running now do not have MCSEs as far as I
know. The operation is an order of magnitude more efficient, downtime
is a tiny fraction of what it was previously, and *they actually know
what's going on with their systems and can help people when they have
Nothing against MCSEs in general, just my own anecdote on how the
certification isn't much use without a good brain operating it.
- --
- -andy
http://home.rochester.rr.com/alevy/dakota - andy-dml@levyclan.us
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"Whatever Adam does, do the opposite and you'll be fine"
-Bob Tom
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