Heater Core

From: Josh (josh@omg-stfu.com)
Date: Mon Mar 28 2005 - 21:48:04 EST

Just out of curiosity, how long is a freaking heater core supposed to
last? I had mine done last winter and now I'm getting a rediculous
coolant smell from the vents. I know it's been less than a year
(barely) now since it's been replaced and this is rediculous. I had it
done at my local 5-star and they did it in an afternoon, I drove in and
they called me later that day (and I didn't have an appointment). Do
you guys think I can weasel and get them to check it out and repair it
for free/cheap since it's been such a short amount of time?

- Josh
Lowered 2000 Dakota CC 3.9L
I put on my robe and wizard hat....

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