RE: Compression Fittings On Brake Lines

From: Joseph Orsini (
Date: Fri May 13 2005 - 09:43:35 EDT

Hey Tom,

        Where are you in Wisconsin? I'm outside of Green Bay in New Franken, we
got a lot of Wisconsinites on the list?


-Joseph Orsini wrote:
-> Dude,
-> I've been told here in Wisconsin that not only is it unsafe to use
-> compression fittings on brakes but also illegal, I think it might even be
-> illegal to sell compression fittings knowing they will be used for brake
-> lines. In one semi emergency situation I considered using a compression
-> fitting on a left front brake but after looking at the line it
-seemed just
-> as much work to do that as to bend the line a fix it right.
-Better to take
-> the time and fix it right than to tear up your car or worse yourself or
-> someone else.
-I was told by another coworker of mine, who now works for another parts
-company, that compression fittings on brake lines are illegal here in
-the state of Wisconsin. So I've heard that too.
-When I returned to work today after lunch, when I sent my first message
-on this topic, I asked my boss, (store manager - 30 year parts service
-veteran) that is *IS* illegal to use them on brake lines. I've been
-searching the web trying to locate the law where it says that... I want
-to know and read it for my own satisfaction.

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