menefreghista <> wrote:
: Jon wrote:
:> : Auto Zone did not have:
:> : Ambient Temp Sensor-will have to order it.
:> : Could not tell me where it was located on engine.
:> That's located on the upper, front, passenger
:> side of the
:> intake manifold.
: I replaced a sensor in that location, called the Air
: Charge Sensor. But am unable to locate the Ambient
: Temp Sensor.
Hmmm, I'm not sure what they are calling the Ambient
Temp Sensor then. I just checked Autozone's web site, and
they appear to be listing the "air charge sensor" and the
"ambient temp sensor" as the same thing. If it helps, here
are all of the temp sensors that I can think of:
- Intake air temp sensor (passenger side, front of intake manifold)
- Coolant temp sensor (front of intake manifold, near thermostat housing;
two wire hookup, used by the PCM to measure coolant temp)
- Coolant temp sensor #2 (front of intake manifold, near thermostat housing;
one wire hookup, used for the gauge in the dash, does not affect engine operation)
- Battery temp sensor (underneath battery, on top of battery tray)
- Ambient temp sensor (in the grill; used by overhead console for "outside
air temp", does not affect engine operation)
There might also be a temperature sensor in the transmission, I'm not sure
about that one.
: Still throws a code #23&37
The #23 code relates to the IAT sensor, which you have said you replaced
already. You can disconnect the negative battery cable and turn the key
to start for a few seconds to clear any codes. If you've cleared the codes
and the 23 came back, that may indicate a problem with the connector or
wiring; it might be worthwhile to inspect the connector and trace the wires
back to the PCM to verify that they are in good condition. This could also
relate to a faulty battery; I'd probably test or replace the battery before
swapping out any other components.
Good luck with it! :-)
-- -Jon-.-- Jon Steiger ---- or --. | 1970 Barracuda - 1990 Dakota 'vert - 1992 Ram 4x4 - 1996 Dakota | | 1996 Intruder 1400 - 1996 Kolb FireFly - 2001 Ram QC 3500 CTD | `------------------------------------ --'
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