Michael Maskalans wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Dec 2005, Daniel L. Burrows wrote:
>>When I was talking about changing speed sensors I was talking about the
>>MPH part of the cluster being correct or incorrect as the old one went
>>to 85 and the new one goes to 125.
> sorry, I'm no help on that since I've never looked at the guts of a
> mechanical speedo. I'd expect that either cluster would have used the
> same gears in the tail shaft, so for a given speed the cable should be
> spinning the same speed (ignoring tire size and gears) and therefore give
> the correct reading for either custer speedometer.
>>I just hope that my extra transmission
>>is not a 42RE as I would have to make a module to make it shift at the
>>proper time. On the other hand, if it is a 42RE then this would give me
>>a perfect excuse to make a push button shifter, or maybe a paddle
>>shifter on the steering column… Of course I would still have to manually
>>engage the transmission from park to drive, but the paddle shifter would
>>be pretty sweet as I can make the transmission shift whenever the hell I
> not quite. the valve body configuration is changed by each motion of the
> shifter. the electronic part is that the line pressure is controlled to a
> certian extent by the governor pressure solenoid. There's more electronic
> control than just the lockup and overdrive, but it's more of electronics
> controling solenoids that play with the line pressures than the
> electronics directly acting on the guts of the trans.
>>Lastly, does anyone have closed differential rear end that is the
>>standard gearing for a 91 3.9 that is for sale. It would be really nice
>>to chuck my old 91 open rear end. I mean how the hell am I supposed to
>>pull a boat up a rap with that darn peg leg rear end, haha!
> you have a few options for traction additions - a factory limited slip, an
> aftermarket limited slip or aftermarket locker. for street use either
> limited is your best option. I kinda left my old 8.25" in the weeds at my
> old apartment, I have no idea if it's still there.... but it was (is) a
> limited slip.
> --
> MikeM
I just called my dad and had him look in the shed for me and it is a RH.
YAY!!! The electronic thing is no longer an issue.
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