Re: Denver BBQ ---> Moab anyone?

From: Michael Maskalans (
Date: Fri Jan 20 2006 - 09:39:24 EST

On Fri, 13 Jan 2006, Mr. Plow wrote:

> Is anyone willing to go to Moab to do some decent offroading in Moab this
> sumer around the BBQ?
I was thinking about something similar, but I've only got two weeks of
vacation this year and that would knock out seeing family for Christmas or
New Year's. Also, if I go to Moab this year, it'll be when the Broncos
are there around Memorial Day when my friend Keith is hoping to head out
there. Though seeing as he's been unemployed for a couple weeks now,
that's not looking too likely...

  +-- Mike Maskalans ---------------- Rochester, NY ----------+
  | '98 Dakota CC, SAS on 40s  '84 RamCharger 4x4, plow truck |
  | '02 Jetta TDI 5sp, daily   '97 Intrepid, not on the road  |
  +-------------------- <> --+

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