Collapsing Brakes, Was: How many others with the 4.7 at 92,000 had to...

From: Jay & Dana (jay&
Date: Wed Apr 05 2006 - 19:23:10 EDT

Thanks Bob !

I didn't know that .
It's cool when you learn something new , even at 48 years of age .
I've always wondered what that little "rubber plug" was for on all my
vehicles , now I know . But I'm thinking I need new drums . And this after
I just had my plenum gasket replaced . Ah the life of a Dak owner. Dealer
says my upstream o2 sensor is "switching
slowly" and should be replaced . I guess thats next .
 Thanks again ,

~ Jay

> <snip> What is this "completely collapsing" the shoes to remove the drums
> you speak
> of ? How do you do this<snip>
> If you look at the inner side of the backplate, down near the bottom,
> you'll
> see an oblong rubber plug.
> This plug is pressed into a slot. Inside that slot is a "star" type
> adjuster
> which can be turned with a brake adjusting tool or by using a flat-head
> screwdriver. One way will turn the mechanism to expand the shoes, the
> other
> way will allow them to collapse. The easiest way to tell which way does
> what
> is to jack up the rear end with the emergency brake off. Pick a rear
> wheel.
> Remove the plug. Spin wheel by hand (if you can)...Insert a screwdriver
> into
> the slot at an angle - UP or DOWN &
> either lift up or pull down - using the edge of the slot in the backplate
> as
> a pivot point. You should be able to tell - by feel - if you're hitting
> the
> "star". If the wheel gets harder to turn, you're adjusting the shoes out.
> If
> the wheel spins more freely, you're adjusting in. IIRC, what works on one
> side, will have the opposite effect on the other...If you have the FSM,
> there should be a pic in there...
> You can probably google for "adjusting drum brake shoes" & get an idea of
> what I'm atempting to explain...(never tried myself)
> Brake shoe replacement/adjustment is the VERY FIRST mechanical repair that
> I
> ever did on a vehicle that I owned...
> Back in 1968 on a 61 Corvair - paid $80 for it!
> HTH,
> Bob Smith (DAKSY2K on AIM)
> 2K DAK SY Sport + V6 4X4 5Speed
> 2K05 HD 883C YP

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