Re: RE: Travel Bug update

Date: Thu Oct 05 2006 - 11:52:27 EDT

"Ray Block" <> wrote:
:> -----Original Message-----
:> From: Jon
:> Just a quick update - Despite having travelled almost 4300 miles,
:> the GenII travel bug probably has to be considered to be in last place
:> at the moment, as far as distance to its goal goes. :-) It is currently
:> in the land of the Fruits and Nuts. I had thought it ended up in
:> Arizona, but as it turns out, its in SoCal, just west of the AZ border.
:> -Jon-

: Hmmm, if only I had won the Division title again this year at our Bracket
: Finals I would be in that vicinity early next month on my way to Pomona.
: How cool would that have been? (and I wouldn't leave it there either) :-)

   Hehehe! That would have been some sweet revenge. :-) If
it continues to jump around like it has though, who knows, it
may still win. ;-)

   Hmmm, it occurs to me that we can draw some completely
unscientific conclusions about Dakota owners from this race:

  - GenI owners just plod along, slow and steady. (That makes
    them easy to underestimate, so you've gotta keep your eyes
    on 'em or they will just pass you by when you aren't paying

  - GenII owners are all about speed, but maybe a bit flighty or
    at least not so good at following directions.

  - GenIII and GenIV owners are really lazy and content to just
    sit around and do nothing. ;-) Either that, or maybe they
    are still paying off their trucks or do not wish to engage
    in a contest of speed which will void their warranty. :-)


.- Jon Steiger -- or -. | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars | `-------------------------------- --'

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