On Sunday 08 October 2006 04:21 pm, jon@dakota-truck.net wrote:
> David Gersic <info@zaccaria-pinball.com> wrote:
> [...]
> : Adding salt to water raises its boiling point, but I
> : don't recall what it does to the melting point.
> It lowers it. That's why we in the northeast have trouble holding
> our vehicles together for more than ten years, because the highway
Ah, yeah, I should have remembered that. Here in the Chicago area, everything
rusts from road salt.
> I don't claim to be an expert or even play one on TV, so there very
> well could be an engine out there with an oil pump which draws oil
> through the filter, but on every engine that I have run across
> so far, the filter is always on the outlet side of the pump.
Good points. Makes sense. Thanks.
Which leaves us about where we started. If the filter media is plugged,
where's the oil in the centre of the filter going?
> You can put it to the test easily enough; just back off the
> oil filter a couple of turns, fire up the engine and stand back.
No thanks. I've done the same thing you did, with the missing O ring. No fun
at all.
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