Re: So Jon... tell me...

Date: Tue Oct 10 2006 - 11:10:58 EDT

Terrible Tom <> wrote:

: I happened to be looking over your hope page, which I've taken up the
: habit of, to keep watch for any vehicular additions that may sneak in...
: and I saw that you planned to "keep this one pretty much stock, and use
: it as a daily driver" in a comment referring to your expected driving
: habits with your Cherokee.

: So I'm curious - which set of wheels in your fleet, do you actually
: drive the most now-a-days? Or do you tend to drive one of them in
: particular depending on weather conditions and mood? I.E; The Cuda on
: sunny crisp days when you feel like kickin tail? The Dak 'Vert on warm
: days when you feel like motoring in the open air? The 4x4 Ram for
: daily work related duities around DML HQ... and so on...?

   Yep, the Cherokee is the one I drive the most - that's the
go anywhere, any weather vehicle. :-) I do try to rotate
through them though so that no one vehicle sits for too long
without getting some exercise. :-) What I drive mostly depends
on the weather, where I'm going and what I'm doing. This summer,
if the weather was nice and I didn't have anything too bulky to
transport, I took the bike to take advantage of 40mpg, which is
twice as good as my next most thrifty vehicle. :-) If its a
nice day and I don't have very far to go and won't be inside a
store for a long time or something, I like to take the Cuda.
Its a similar situation for the Dak 'vert. I try not to take it
out in the rain, mostly because the top will sometimes leak if
its not just right or if its a heavy rain. Pretty much everything
except the Cherokee and Ram 4x4 get parked once there is snow
on the ground. I haven't driven the Ram 4x4 a lot this summer
because its got a split brake line at the moment which I haven't
gotten around to fixing yet. I want to try to get that done
before Daktoberfest though in case it is needed for a recovery. :-)
It mostly gets used for hauling bulky stuff around, getting my Dad's
tractor un-stuck on the farm, etc. Which one I take sometimes
depends on how much gas is in 'em and the current gas price - if
the price is high, I can go for a while without having to visit the
gas station by cycling through them all until they are dry. :-)

   So I guess the short version is that it depends on the weather,
my mood and needs at a given time, balanced against my desire to
keep them all exercised on a regular basis...


.- Jon Steiger -- or -. | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars | `-------------------------------- --'

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