If anyone is really bored - some dry stats and numbers to look at...
For the Ram, the log starts when I put the Ram back on insurance and
started driving it again. Prior to April it was not being driven. The
last fuel purchase (in 2007) was tonight. Took it down the block to
fill it up - tank was totally empty. Pumped just under 24Gs in the ram
in a 25G tank heh.
You can see with the neon milage, when I stwitched job locations after
the Colorado DML meet... I went from fueling 5 times a month to once or
twice a month. The period between mid july and late september was when
the neon was smashed up and not driveable.
-- ------------------------------------------------------------- "The word, is no. I am therefore going anyway." - James T. Kirk75 Honda CL360, 89 Dakota, 89 Dakota 4x4, 95 Dakota 4x4, 96 Neon, 01 Ram 4x4 http://members.aol.com/silvereightynine/ AIM & Yahoo: SilverEightynine
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