Terrible Tom <SilverEightynine@aol.com> wrote:
: jon@dakota-truck.net wrote:
:> Terrible Tom <SilverEightynine@aol.com> wrote:
:> : Barry Oliver wrote:
:> :> :> Hmmm, Tom that statement reminds me of something...but I cannot put my
:> :> finger on it...Josh, can you help on this? ;-)
:> :> :> Terrible Tom wrote:
:> :> :>> <snip> I'll pass you as fast as I can, so when you wreck, you are
:> :>> behind me :-)
:> :>>
:> : Whats more ironic is that I now drive a little blue compact car...
:> What would be even more ironic is if that little blue compact
:> car actually WAS you, such that your past self ran your future self
:> off the road. I don't know if such a thing is even possible, but
:> if it is, Tom would be at the top of my list of people who could
:> make it happen. Time, space, and the laws of physics mean very
:> little inside the bowels of the Swamp. ;-)
: This poses a very interesting query.
: I *have* been thinking about taking the Neon out to DML HQ this coming
: summer. Theoretically the little blue spinning car could have opened a
: temporal vortex causing a burst of chronometric particles. The
: particles could have reacted with my body causing them to be charged
: with temporal energy. Its possible that if I were to drive the little
: blue neon on the same stretch of the Ohio Turnpike, mile markers 89 and
: 90, where the Chronometric vortex occurred, that with my time-charged
: atoms, I could be drawn into the vortex and pulled back in time to the
: year 2004 when the initial event took place. While my other blue compact
: car counter part (who would actually BE ME!) was pulled into the future
: and into the year 2007!! This would mean that Tom driving the Ram circa
: 2004 will have caused Tom driving the Neon, circa 2007 to be run off the
: road and thrown into a spinning vortex that would CREATE the temporal
: distortion in the FIRST PLACE! Thus I would be both the cause and the
: effect of a major cross-dimentional rift that could destroy the entire
: universe!.... granted that's a worse case scenario - the destruction
: may be limited to merely our own galaxy
Your theory intrigued me, so I decided to analyze this problem
in greater detail, but I got bogged down during the process of
converting chronometric particles to chronostandard and I had to
give up. :-( I'm afraid I'm not going to be of much use to you
unless I can get my hands on a spatial trajector to extract myself
from this quantum bog. Even then, I'm not sure if I've got an anchor
point with enough temporal shift to prevent a causality paradox.
-- -Jon-.- Jon Steiger -- jon@dakota-truck.net or jon@jonsteiger.com -. | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder, Miscellaneous Mopars | `-------------------------------- http://www.jonsteiger.com --'
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