Re: 2008 DML Special Olympics - Home safe & sound

From: Don Rey (
Date: Mon Aug 25 2008 - 11:25:59 EDT

I want to second Mike's thank-you: Jon, a huge thanks for letting us
wheel your trails and make a mess of your barn! Brittany and I had a
blast and we both plan to make future trips up there if you're so kind
as to continue hosting!

I managed to escape the trails without carnage, thanks in part to Mike
putting a hand on my brush guard when I nearly tipped my truck over
(again). Next time I'll put more faith in 4-lo before I try odd angles
of ascent.

I will note we need some more stockers on the trails! I ran it with 2
open differentials, no lift, and 31" BFG TAs and didn't require any
winch or tow assistance. (Though if I had needed it, the experts -
Jon, Mike, Ed, Adam, etc... - were there and were happy to help!)

I have some great shots of the cute little dak, Mike. I'll get select
images up on my pbase site eventually, but does anyone have a good way
to distribute all the full res pics/vid? Anyone run a server and have
few spare gigs?

Thanks also to everyone in attendance. As usual, the friendly,
pleasant attitudes all around made for a great experience! I really
look forward to hanging out and wheeling with everyone again! In the
meantime, I need to get some paintball practice if my pump is going to
compete with TTom's modified Tippman!

Don in CT
89 DakVert 318 NV3500 4x4
74 Dart Sport 340

On 8/24/08, Michael Maskalans <> wrote:
> Jon,
> Once again, thank you for allowing the annual pilgrimage/invasion. It was a
> pleasant trip as always.
> My lost bead was due to a malfunctioning hub (that wheel had not been
> driving - leading to the slippery hill and mud lane issues), and no tire
> damage was done. The mud still in the wheel seems to have broken up and is
> doing a decent job of balancing the tire so far. I expect I'll have to
> break it down sometime in the future to clean it all out and add fresh
> airsoft beads for balancing.
> Not to leave myself completely out of carnage, I tweaked my bed corner and
> tailgate corner a bit dropping off a rock too quickly when Adam JT and I
> were running the creek. Also, 4 miles from home, I lost a front brake
> caliper. No damage done, and I had the key I needed to put it back on.
> Seemingly ongoing issue... I guess Dodges reject Ford parts once in a
> while.
> Video pending from JT (I'm impatient for this one!) of my near-roll on the
> lower falls. I managed a manual transmission-like grab for reverse and a
> judicious application of the skinny pedal saved the day. I may have a dent
> in my floorboard under the accelerator but all else was without damage. My
> lucky day!
> Barry, your wheels are in Tom's Civic, and he has your and Josh's numbers.
> Thanks for a great time everyone, hope your respective journeys are without
> issue.
> --
> Mike Maskalans
> cute little Dak

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