I just bought an intake filter. One of the cone shaped ones, and w/4"
opening, just clamped it direct to the cap on top of the throttle
body. Still gets engine air but I don't do nothing but drive fast.
Very little idling time. Breaths much better than stock, is a lot
cheaper than this dual snorkle and has a grrrrrrreat howl around 3K
rpms. Just a little better gas mileage. Maybe 2-2.5 better mpg at
highway speeds.
But in response to you first question, it'll probably fit. I can't
believe for that price it doesn't come with a NUT....
p.s. got my filter @ O'Rielly....
On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 3:53 AM, Matt Beazer
<teseract@enchantedbookstore.com> wrote:
> I know this is total and complete overkill x 10, but does anyone think
> this would fit under the hood of a second gen 318 Dakota? I know you
> can fit a 14" cleaner with a 3" tall filter, but I don't know if it
> would fit something this tall:
> http://www.jegs.com/i/Spectre/865/9869K/10002/-1#
> This is what I get for having Jegs and Summit catalogs in the bathroom.
> MattB
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