Re: bearing/hub going? 4wheel abs?

From: Matt Brenneke (
Date: Sat Apr 17 2010 - 18:00:44 EDT

On Apr 16, 2010, at 8:14 PM, David Gersic <> wrote:

> OnFriday 16 April 2010 19:40:41 Matt Brenneke wrote:
>>Finally, How can I tell if it's the left or right side?
> Have somebody else drive, and run alongside while having them turn left and
> right in a parking lot. As long as it'll do it while not moving very fast,
> that should help narrow down the side it's coming from.

I rode my bike beside it while my wife drove this morning, and I couldn't hear it at all outside the vehicle, but man is it getting loud as hell inside the truck.

I replaced the right side this afternoon and there was no improvement. So either it's the left side or it's something else entirely.

-Matt Brenneke

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