Are you sure it's not your CVS joints ?
On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 10:33 PM, <> wrote:
> Hello Folks,
> I need to replace the steering box in my '95 Dak 4x4 in the near future
> due to a fun noise that's somewhere between a "clack" and a "ping" at
> low speeds while turning the wheel (parking lots).
> My question is, should I replace the power steering pump and lines at
> the same time? I usually do this on rack and pinion steering as when a
> rack goes bad it usually loads up the fluid with metal particles. I've
> not taken a sample to look at my Dakota's fluid yet, but I'm assuming if
> it's cleam and the pump works well I'm fine to just replace the box?
> Thanks,
> M.B.
--"The reason dogs have so many friends is that they wag their tails instead of their tongues"
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