Re: BBQ Head Count?

From: TerribleTom (
Date: Thu Jul 29 2010 - 10:59:16 EDT

Holy smokes Jim! Thats crazy! My hat is off to you for maintaining
composure enough to give chase and get the license plate numbers! Glad
you are ok and had no lasting injuries. Sorry about the Caddie! But
think of it this way, if it was a lesser car (escort, neon, civic) I
doubt you would have come away as unscathed. That big car did right by you!


Jim Knox Wrote:
> Thanks Jon for asking.Yes on 401 hwy. Lucky no passenger in Cadi. Cement wall to
> the left , nowhere to go . The trailer structure crushed into the car shattering
> the windows and pushing in the structure and the wheels were like grinders
> taking out and stripping the whole right side front to back. It was hit and run
> with the trucker not stopping. I followed him on the highway as my the cadi
> wheels were still turning. Called 911 police and gave all visible details they
> asked for paint scheme , company name, truck #, trailor plate. I got infront of
> him and read tractor plate in mirror to 911 operator. Police operator told me to
> stop on side of highway and they would catch the trucker. Insurance wrote off my
> 5,000lb Cadi Fleetwood Brougham. If I was in a small car I would be dead.God was
> with me, and my body was sore from seat belts. Similar feeling to riding with
> Tom off-road at DML HQ :-)
> Jim , 91 Dak Spt 4x4, 318LA

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