Brake Pads

Date: Tue Aug 02 2011 - 16:29:23 EDT

I just wanted to warn people off... DON'T get "Performance Friction"
brake pads. I installed some with some EBC rotors a while ago at the
suggestion of a few people on the list, and I have to say they're some
of the worst pads I've ever used on a vehicle. They're not too horrible
on the freeway, but around town the initial "bite" of the pads is
terrible, and they seem to glaze really easily.

For example, today I almost re-ended some old man even though I had
plenty of following distance and was only doing about 20mph... the old
guy panicked over a dip in the road and came to an almost complete stop
in front of me and I pounded the brake pedal as hard as I could and the
ABS didn't even come close to engaging.

I'd change them out but I have one caliper held in with a self-tapping
bolt I dread removing... I'm about ready to buy a helicoil kit though
and swap 'em out, I find myself trailing traffic 4-5 car lengths just
because I know I can't stop worth a damn.


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