On Thursday, February 01, 1996 2:01 AM, Bill Countie[SMTP:wgcount@husc.harvard.edu] wrote:
>>Hello to the Dakota Knowledge Collective,
>> My only continuing complaint of my Dakota is the seat belts.
>>The seat belts cut into my neck unless I wear a shirt with a collar and
>>do not retract well enough so that the door closes on them and the odd
>>piece of plastic that covers the strap nearest the floor mount jams the
>>door ajar. So I have to unlock the door again, hand feed the belt into
>>the winder and close the door again. Weather doesn't affect the
>>non-operation of the belt and both passenger and drivers side are
>>affected. I guess I'm looking to improve the tension on the retracting of
>>the belt without it slowly strangling me as the tensioner ratchets.
>>Does this happen to anyone else or has anyone done anything (short of
>>removal or replacement with a 5 point belt).
I have the same gripe with the belt retraction on my 94. I have got used to it now and find myself helping the belt back onto the reel before I even open the door to get out, maybe just one of those things one has to live with.....
Mark Herrick,
Kodiak, Alaska
94 Dakota SLT Club Cab
3.9, 5 Speed
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