RE: auto. trans. problems 1992 4-wd Dakota

From: JT McBride (James.McBride@GDEsystems.COM)
Date: Thu Jul 18 1996 - 18:05:09 EDT

>I have a automatic trans. 4-WD, 1992 Dakota club
>cab 318 mag. V8. It's a nice truck, which I bought
>used with 67k mi. Every so often, the truck sounds
>as though it isn't shifting properly. It's like it
>won't transfer into overdrive, or as though

The AAMCO folks explained to me that the early A518s have a design flaw in
the overdrive gearing - just not tough enough (they used little tiny needle
bearings in the tailshaft bearing, that can't take all the abuse the
driveline kickback dishes out). The fix supposedly came out in '92 models.

This doesn't sound like your problem though.

Can I ask, have you changed the tranny fluid since you owned it?
I would never presume the former owner did. You ought to check the pan
magnet for any debris. If you have the needle bearings, and they're on
their way south, you'll see some metal splinters. You'll then be looking
at a full O/H, since those splinters are also embedded in the surface of
all the clutch plates in the system.

Hey - it's time to change the fluid and filter anyway! And the shifting
problem might just be a band in need of adjustment.

I think TCM is the Transmission Control Module, meaning the hydraulic
"brain" (the channels and passages look like brain tissue too) of the
transmission. Although the transmission is advertised as an 'electronic
overdrive transmission' this amounts to a couple of solenoids controlled
by the PCM (SBEC) and your dashboard OD lockout switch. There's no
transmission microcontroller - digital electronics, at least.

Keep on truckin'


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the Right Wing the freedom-loving libertarians. Dianne Feinstein and the
other Fascists are extreme Left-Wing, and I'm PROUD to be a Right-Wing
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individual Rights endowed by the Creator (whoever you believe that is).

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