I pretty much concurr with the statement below with the exception that the one I
just installed had four points on each side. I installed a MOPAR brand hitch
that I got from the dealer because "beleive it or not", it was the cheapest, of
most of the ones I checked out. There were cheaper ones to be had but I liked
the construction design of the MOPAR one better. It just looked more solid.
Aside from the existing mounting holes for the bumper, I did have to drill two
additional holes on the horizontal plane. Mounting the hitch was a breeze. The
only trouble spot was drilling the forward hole in the horizontal plane, on the
passenger side. The tail pipe was right in the way. I solved this problem by
wrapping a rope around the tailpipe and pulling it back out of the way while I
drilled the hole.
Satellite Steve
>Instructions clearly (and accurately) tell you where and why you'll >have to
>drill the holes. Hitch mounts at 6 points, three on each side: One >mount is
>in the vertical plane through the existing bumper mounting bracket >-- this
>hole had to be opened up to 1/2 inch. There are 2 mounts on the >horizontal
>plane; neither of which had existing holes. The mount is on each >side of the
>rear spring shackle on the bottom part of the C-channel frame.>
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