From: on Thu, Jan 2, 1997 9:48 AM
>While looking for a intermittent "ticking" sound under the hood, I
>noticed that the metal elbows connecting the PS lines to the pump and
>to the rack have a large amount of white and orange corrosion on
>them. I have heard that PS fluid goes acidic when it gets old but is
>there a service interval in the manual? It is not leakage from the
>battery, although the corrosion looks the same as you would find on
>the battery.
>Does anyone else have this problem?
Yep, My lines are all corroded but there is no color other than rust. The
pressure line is starting to show signs of leaking (wet but the level in the
pump has not gone down enough to notice) where the rubber hose is clamped on.
The outside of the steering box is also quite rusty. One of the steel
coolant lines on my 85 Daytona did the same thing but the 86 & 89 Daytonas I
have look fine.
Dave Clement
Dave Clement
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