Re: Back to the gas question...

From: Rader (
Date: Thu Feb 20 1997 - 18:19:30 EST

> Unless you're getting oxygenated or reformulated gas that's pretty much
> crap anyway, cold weather should reduce pinging.

  That sure stands to reason, but we don't have oxygenated fuel in
this area any more. The refineries _do_ reformulate gasoline for
the winter months, regardless of whether or not the area in question
must use oxygenated fuels. I imagine this is mostly due to temperature
requirements and might be based on geography, so if you live in
L.A. or Texas, you might not get the same gas during the winter
months as someone in Minnesota. (I'm in North Carolina)

  That's the only explanation I can come up with that makes any

> Maybe it's your O2 sensor,
> check for fault code 51.

  At 18.3K, I'd be royally pissed if I ate an O2 sensor, but no,
I'm not showing any codes.


     Ron Rader aka
The vast percentage of sensitive, artistic intellectuals live in
dire fear of ever having to turn a fuckin' wrench!
                                                   - Robt. Williams

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