RE: Some questions about my truck?

From: Keith R Wanderi (
Date: Tue Jun 03 1997 - 07:47:57 EDT

I couldn't resist responding as old memories flooded my head as I thought
about the 68 GTX 440 magnum I had when I was 19 back in 71. It's simply
amazing that I survived. For some of you younger folk out there, when I
got this car it had just under 30K, the rest of the 7/70 warranty and it
cost me a whopping $1700. Used to tape a $50 bill to the dash and if the
passenger could reach it during a quarter mile run, they could have it.
 Never lost a one, saw a lot of big eyes though as they strained to reach
it. If I had that car today in that condition, you could another zero to
the price. Ok well, if we only knew then what we know now...

-----Original Message-----


 I have never owned a vehicle with an engine this large (my Saturn is just
a 1.9, 4 banger) so I don't know if it just comes with the territory.


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