Re: Mileage issues..

From: Bruce Aaron Hefner (
Date: Wed Jun 04 1997 - 11:56:52 EDT

> Bruce, It was solid i.e. not shaking or feeling like it was going to
> fall apart - like a friend of mine's toyota "junk" Tercel does at 75.
> It felt a little more squirmish under me and at the rear end. If I had
> to jerk the wheel really hard, the back end would probably have become
> the front end and I would have been doing 120 in reverse while flipping
> over. Anyway, It wasn't trying to wander it just pointed in the same
> direction and kept going till the fuel shut off. It would have been
> just as easy to keep control of it with one hand on the wheel as with
> two. I usually drive with one hand, but decided at that speed to use
> two. Just in case... you know. Oh well, I'm sure it was not a good
> idea to be going at that speed in the middle of the day in the middle of
> town (LA, Calif.) The California Highway Patrol is not a very forgiving
> group of police officers. A friend of mine got pulled over in the
> desert for doing 120 in his Miata. Cost him $1300 for that ticket. He
> said he saw a little speck behind him, he knew he had already been
> nailed so didn't let off the accelerator and about 5 min. later he was
> sitting on the side of the road getting his ticket. The CHP use Ford
> Mustangs out here. That cop must have been hauling to catch up to him
> that quickly. Anyway, the point to my story is I don't want to pay a
> $1300 ticket. Guess I'll have to wait until I can go to Montana!!!
> Ryan
I can understand about not being able to afford the ticket, I mean around
here you get $100 tickets for 10-15 miles above the speed limit I don't
want to think what it would be for 60 miles above the speed limit. The
Georgia HP has a couple of old Mustangs still around but most of theirs
are Crown Vics, from what I've heard they can beat a Mustang with the
turbo they have in it, wouldn't want to try them, they're the type to
shoot out your tires rather than fool with you. I'm like you, I believe
I'll wait till I can get to Montana to try those speeds. Good to know the
Dak can handle those speeds if I decide to open it up.



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